Building a Community of
Better Relationships

Gretel keeps you connected to the most important people in your life without any extra work. Seriously — all you need to do is keep track of you. You're welcome!

Get to Know How Gretel Works for You

Sick of getting texts and responding, "Sorry, who is this?" It's embarrassing. Especially when the message seems so familiar. We know the pain and are here to help. Never lose touch again.

Get the Latest Information

The best part about Gretel is that you never have to ask people for their new addresses or phone numbers or manually enter it into your native contact app. Gretel is updated with the latest data changes every time it’s opened.

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App screen showing control over datadots

Stay in Control

Don’t worry — if there’s information that you want to keep to yourself, you can customize how much or how little you share. Your security is our priority. You can also decide who stays in your circle. It’s easy to delete a contact. And once you do, your data is automatically removed from their directory.

Update Your Profile

At any time, update your personal information with an image, your name, phone number, mailing address, email address and social media handles. Your update is available to your network in seconds.

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App screen showing inviting contactsdots

Invite Contacts

Gretel works best when you’re connected to your network through the app. Invite your friends, family and colleagues with a text or in-person. When they accept, their profile will be added to your directory and automatically be kept up-to-date.

Create and Join Groups

Stay organized with Gretel groups. Create a unique code and privately share your contact information and updates with everyone in a group. This feature is perfect for meet-ups, events, families, teams and clubs, and so much more.

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App screen showing control over security and datadots

Never Worry About Security

You can rest assured knowing that we will never share or sell your personal information. All of your data is decentralized and encrypted. Plus, if you need quick access to your contact information outside the app, you can download all data as a .csv. And if you decide to stop using Gretel, all of your information is deleted from our system. No questions asked!

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Don't Lose Touch After Graduation

Starting a new journey can be stressful and the last thing you need to worry about it making sure you have your friends and family’s correct contact information. See how Gretel can help you stay connected after donning the cap and gown.

Will Gretel impact my native contacts app?

Nope! Gretel is a stand alone application and has no impact on your phone’s native app. We will ask permission to access your app when you want to send invites to contacts in your phone.

Get Started Now